Frequently Asked Questions

Stamplo is a platform designed for children aged 5-13 to safely exchange letters and stamps with pen pals around the world. Parents have full control over the communication to ensure a safe and secure environment for their children.
To add your child, log in to your parent account and navigate to the "Add Child" section. You’ll need to provide your child’s name and age, and Stamplo will generate a unique username for them. Optionally, you can also set a PIN for additional login security.
After registering, parents need to verify their account via email. Verification is necessary for unlocking the full functionality of Stamplo, including sending and receiving letters. This ensures the platform remains safe for children.
Yes, but only if parents enable this option. In the parent dashboard under "Manage Children," you can toggle permissions for your child to send and receive photos with their letters.
Twitch is Stamplo's postal-themed squirrel mascot. Upon joining, Twitch becomes your child’s first pen pal, helping them get familiar with the platform and sending them their first letter and stamp.
Letters are delivered over a set time period to simulate real-life postal delivery. Parents need to approve both outgoing and incoming letters for added safety. After approval, children can read and reply to their pen pals.
Stamplo implements several safety measures, including parent account verification, parental control over pen pal approval, and letter moderation. Additionally, parents can choose whether their child is allowed to send or receive photos.
Stamps are a fun collectible aspect of Stamplo. When children receive a letter from a pen pal in another country, they also receive a virtual stamp from that country. These stamps are viewable in the child's dashboard.